The documentary Fahrenheit 9/11 is about George.W.Bush during his presidency and war during this time period. This is another documentary by Michael Moore. Like Moore’s other movie “Bowling For Columbine” it is a very well thought out, had great footage of Bush, the actual war in Iraq, and numerous interviews with different types of people. The only negative comment I have on the movie is that it seemed like that when Moore put in a video of President Bush speaking, he would crop out everything that he didn’t want to hear.
I think he would crop Bush short to make him look like more of bad guy then he really is. Bush still a horrible person if what was said in the film is true regarding Bush ignoring his work and papers about terrorists and how he had a relationship with the Bin Laden’s. And how there was no valid reason to be at war in Iraq. Out of these three points, Moore stated through out the documentary, I only truly believe the third point is true. This is because I have a hard time believing that some one, especially the president, would do this to his country. The way Moore presented this information was not convincing enough for me.
I think the most interesting part of the movie was when Moore was outside the Saudi Embassy. I found this most interesting because this foreign nation of Saudi Arabia has an Embassy in the U.S and they own 7% of our currency. This is a huge portion of America’s money, and this is giving the Saudis too much power. Another interesting thing from this part of the film was that the Saudis called the police because Moore was shooting film in front of the building, and police officers actually came. This is shocking to me because now our nation is protecting the Saudi Arabians who are gaining power. This power is gained many ways, through property and oil profits as well as collaboration with the American government.