This is a class blog by and for the students of Watertown High School in Watertown, MA USA. Please feel free to comment on our posts!
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Medicated Child
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Inside the Teenage Brain
*The picture below shows a teenager who is getting his brain scanned.*
*The picture above shows all the different parts of the teenage brain.*
Monday, May 24, 2010
Meth Epidemic.
- Suicidal thoughts
- Confusion
- Chest tightness
- Chest pain or heart palpitations
- Shortness of breath
- More outgoing or aggressive behavior than normal
- Strange behavior
- Hallucinations (seeing, hearing, or feeling things that are not really there)
- Agitation or restlessness
- Uncontrolled movements of the head, neck, mouth, arms, or legs (known as tics)
- Signs of an allergic reaction, including:
- Unexplained rash
- Itching
- Hives
- Trouble breathing
- Unexplained swelling.
Cyber War
Richard Clarke, a White House security adviser, wanted to find out the potential risk we are susceptible to from hackers. He was able to go through U.S. security located at the targeted power plant without many obstacles and at that point, he realized just how easy it was for a hacker to attack.
The Eligable Reciever and Moonlight Haze where both attempts made on White House security "that scared the hell out of the pentagon" and were harsh wake up calls that could potentially happen. There are people who are trying to fight these hackers but would like to remain secret so that their enemies do not find out about them. However, one of them warned that there is an attack coming very soon that " should not be taken lightly because doing so can be a fatal mistake."
I think this cyber war is happening everywhere and agree that it is close to impossible to fight, because a computer in Australia can be used to send an attack for example. Yet, that does not mean the attack originated from Australia, so the people fight in this war have a lot of work to do.
--By Elizabeth Biemba' 10
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Obama's War
I decided to watch this video called Obama's War, on the website FRONTLINE. The film features a veteran correspondent named Martin Smith, that follows American troops in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He spends his time chasing them around and filming them (while dodging bullets), so people like us can have a better understanding of how the President is attempting "to combat terrorism at its roots."
Once a territory is conquered by the American army, the soldiers are sent in the towns to get to know its residents. They walk around saluting everyone, shaking hands with anyone they meet, and asking what can be done to help make their lives somewhat easier. The reason for this unusual tactic is to get rid of the Taliban influence in the country and to gain the trust of the these citizens.
I learned that the war requires both physical and mental efforts from United States soldiers in order to win victory in this crucial war. The soldiers are required to open fire on enemy troops, yet they are also compelled to lay down their weapons and walk through the town to acquire the faith of the citizens living in that territory.
If there were to be a follow-up film on this subject, I would expect it to be about winning the war, and the trust of the people. It would talk about how the Americans were capable of eliminating the Taliban army and neutralizing all terrorist threats that were once existent.
The Wounded Platoon
Huey was killed in a car bomb explosion while he and the squad were setting up a roadblock. Two soldiers were sent home and Jose Barco was sent to a special burn unit in Texas.
Ater the squad returned to the U.S, things got bad. Kevin Shields, a soldier from 3rd platoon, was killed. He was killed by Louis Bressler and Bruce Bastien--they had been drinking and loss judgement due to their PTSD. They both are now serving time for the murder and Kenny Eastridge is serving 10 years for being an accessory. Jose Barco was arrested for a drive by shooting after he was kicked out of a party for violent behavior. He's serving 52 years in jail. He'll eligable for parole in 2035.
Eastridge, Barco and Ryan Krebbs (the unit's medic) all went for psychiatric treatment but received none. During their time in the army they were given medication and sent back into the fighting.
In Fort Carson, Colorado Springs, the hospital psychiatric positions are understaffed. A quarter of these postions are still open--yet they haven't been filled. This was part of inability to help returning soldiers.
I learned that we should take better care of returning soldiers. I also think funding should be put in for psychologists, psychiatry, etc.
If I was going to make a follow up film I would find and interview every soldier in 3rd platoon, ask how their life is now, plans for the future, if they're going back to the army, and how they're taking care of their PTSD. --Chris Snyder ' 11
Friday, May 21, 2010
"The Released." A Frontline Presentation
- Number of residents with serious mental illness - 461,232
- Hate crimes>Disability related - 6
State Hospital Readmissions: 30 Days - 13,771 10.7% 9.3% 48
State Hospital Readmissions: 180 Days - 31,720 23.0% 21.3% 49
State Hospital Readmissions: 30 Days: Adults - 12,519 10.7% 9.4% 47
State Hospital Readmissions: 180 Days: Adults - 29,096 23.0% 21.8% 47
State Hospital Readmissions: 30 Days: Children - 1,228 - 8.2% 38
State Hospital Readmissions: 180 Days: Children- 2,568 - 17.1% 43
Male mental patients - 52%
Female mental patients - 48%
Mid Term Assesment --May 24, 2010
-Project Development
-Blog Assessment
The blog assessment will be do on Monday, May 24.
The assignment will be a blog post summarizing a film from Frontline World.
You can pick any film you like (no doubles):
From there you will
1) Watch the film (completely)
2) Summarize the film in a blog.
What is the film about?
What did you learn about the film?
How can what you learn be applied in your life?
What would a follow-up film be like if you were to make one?
4) Make sure to include links and pictures.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Real Sex Education Video & Video Response
From there my students produced a video commenting on her final product. Enjoy!
Great job Victoria!
The Final Video:
Our Responses:
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Watertown Bombers?
A house on Waverley Avenue in Watertown is under search right now from FBI agents. This is under investigation, because the people living there are supposedly connected to the car bombing in Times Square that happened on May 1st. Residents of Watertown may look at this white house and seem surprised because of the location. In the background you can see the local middle school. A man, looking 25-40 years of age, was taken from the house today (May 13th). Two others were arrested for immigration violations. Here is a direct quote from the Boston globe article, VBI spokeswoman Gail Marcinkiewicz emphasized that "there's no known immediate threat to the public or active plot against the United States." Vincent Lacerra lives across the street from the house under suspicion, and was disturbed from his TV watching at 6AM by the sight of F.B.I. agents in uniform surrounding the house holding up guns. Certain spots in Watertown are still under suspicion, but nothing further has been done up to this second. This is Breaking news from Watertown!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Teenage Insults, Scrawled on Web, Not on Walls
Teenage Insults, Scrawled on Web, Not on Walls
Do you think is "dangerous" for teenagers, why or why not?
Please give personal experience if you have some!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Gulf Oil Spill and It Affects by Elizabeth Biemba
This oil spill affects thousands of lives of that region who depend on the fishing industry in which President Obama called the "heartbeat of the region's economic lives."
My other problem, which is closer to my heart, are the millions of plant and animal species that are affected/going to be affected by this. These are defenseless creatures that are going to die or starve to death because of this pollution.
Measures have been implemented to try and stop the oil from spreading by crowding these animals together and protecting the shore line. This is the worst time of year for a spill of this magnitude, when over 400 species come to breed and migrate.The biggest species are the whales, if any oil gets into their filtering structure within their mouth it could cause death.
Unfortunately, this problem is far from over, all anyone can hope for now is that the oil spill is contained before more damage is done to all these creatures and those in danger of growing extinct.
Car Bomb in Times Square New York! By: Damon Michael Torell Weiser
Found in the Pathfinder
A 55-by-32-inch “gun locker” with a pot of M-88 firecrackers and eight bags of a nonexplosive grade of fertilizer.
IN THE CARGO AREAThree propane tanks weighing 15 to 17 pounds each. One had M-88s attached to its side, some of which detonated.
ON THE BACK SEATTwo full, five-gallon red plastic gasoline containers and a 16-ounce can filled with wires and 20 to 30 M-88 devices.
BACK-SEAT FLOORTwo clocks connected to the gun locker with wires.
Failed Car Bomb by Joseph Markarian
Faisal Shahzad live in this house with his two kids and wife in Shelton Conneticut until June 2009
On Saturday, May 1st, 6:30 pm in the heart of Times Square, an "amateurish" car bomb was attempted by a 'Hispanic or Middle Eastern' man. This is a video of the suspect for the NYPD, who say that "surveillance footage that showed a white man who appeared to be in his 40's walking away from the area as he looked over his shoulder and removed a layer of clothing."
Officials say that if an explosion had actually taken place, many people would have died, and many more injured. Also glass would have shattered, but none of the buildings would have collapsed. "For New Yorkers who bore the brunt of the September 11 attacks by Al Qaeda militants in 2001, the scare was a reminder that their city of 8 million people is under constant threat."
On Monday, two days later, a Connecticut man from Pakistan, Faisal Shahzad, age 30, was taken into custody just before midnight at Kennedy Airport. His flight was going to Dubai, but fortunantly, he was arrested before the plane took off. Two other men were also interviewed by authorities but were released, Shahzad confessed and said that he worked alone.
More information can be found in these websites:
1. New York Times
2. Boston Globe
3. Reuters