Wednesday, October 21, 2009

What is Petcha Kutcha? Why is it important form of mass communications?


SaDaryl Parham said...
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Eric Dupuis said...

Pecha Kucha is a form of mass communications because it is a event where a large number of people can express and communicate their ideas and beliefs in front of a large audience to make people aware of what they might never have heard of before.

Ben Sampson said...

Petcha kutcha is showing 20 pictures in 20 seconds so that means that there is one picture every second. This is a form of mass communications because those pictures portray something to masses of people and communicating with them.

always and forever
-Ben Sampson

SaDaryl Parham said...

pecha kutcha is 20 pictures in 20secs....creative people doing creative things. its a form of mass communications because is spreading ideas with lots o people//.

Julia Patsios said...

Pecha Kucha is a way for people to creatively show their work without paying for a gallery or a magazine to show it. They have 20 seconds to show 20 of their images in font of people on Pecha Kucha night. This is an important form of mass communications because its multiple people showing work to a lot of people at one time to get their work noticed.

Ryan McDermott said...

Pecha Kucha is a form of mass communications,. It is when you have a slide show of 20 pictures, shown in 20 seconds. It is mass communications because many people can use it to show and express their ideas.

Administrator said...

Petcha Kutcha is an event where 14 presenters show pictures for 20 seconds each. It was designed to draw attention and prevent boredom. Because of the different fields in which it is used, Petcha Kutcha has become a form of communication, not only are they sharing pictures but some have added karaoke.