Thursday, February 11, 2010

Experience Making "The Day Wolf"

Hello Class! I am sorry I cannot be with you today. However, I would love to learn about your experience making our Werewolf movie.

1) Please create your comment/response in Google Docs first--spell and grammar check before you post (I am a stickler to grammar and spelling)!

2) Post your comment in the "comment" section. Make sure to put your name at the end of your response.

 3) Here are some questions you get you started.
What did you learn in our making of "The Day Wolf?"
What is your favorite part about the movie-making process and why?
What was the hardest part in making "The Day Wolf?"
Think about the process--script writing, shooting, and editing and all the stages.
Is this something you'd want to do again? Why or why not?
If so, what kind of film would you like to make?
These are just suggestions. This is a try to be as reflective as possible!
I will be checking these..this is your first graded assignment.

See you after the break!!!
MS. V 

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

History of Newspapers


News has at one point played a part in everyones lives. If it was either reading about weather reports, politic compaigns, or gossip of a celebrity, we all hear it some how. Recently other sources of mass communications have over came newspapers. One big obstacle that overcame Newspapers was the internet.

In the past history, Newspapers were quite popular ever since the 1690's when it was created by 2 wise men, Richard Pierce and Benjamin Harris. There are many people that still get there newspapers delivered to them and they still read all the sections but there are also many people who have stopped doing this. Today its much easyier to just grab your computer and go online to read newspaper articles on-line. When you go online to read an article its word for word for what was in the newspaper so there is nothing that much of a difference. Also when you go on the internet to look at articles, you're able to read peoples comments about what there opinions on the articles, and you can also give your own opinion too. So Even though Newspapers use to be a huge example of Mass Communication, the ratings of people getting newspapers have somehow dropped because of internet use, phone use, and other electronic ways to find out news. Or maybe people are just to lazy to go to the store and get a newspaper. There could be many reasons! Some wesbites i found that wrote about this issue are here.

Some popular known newspapers near us are,

-Boston Glode

-The Herald

-The Daily Times

-Boston Herald

-Cape Cod Times