Thursday, April 1, 2010

Most interesting videos on "The 84"

For our class, we had to watch every video on the website "The 84." Our task was to decide which one of these videos was our favorite and which one we fount to be the most interesting of all.
My favorite: The 86

Weston High School's Story: The 86 from The 84 on Vimeo.

I liked this video because it was creative and fun to watch. I like the way the creators presented the video. For example, they gave some interesting facts about the number 86. The idea of having every person they interviewed write down their reason as to why they choose not to smoke. For example, they gave some interesting facts about the number 86.

These other two videos were my other favorites

The sacrifices of smoking
I liked this video because it was very clear, no metaphors or symbols, just straight to the point. They got their point across by showing the negative effects of smoking but in a dramatic way that made their argument even

Smoking is scary
I liked this video for different reasons; it didn't really inform the viewer how bad smoking is. The main reason that I found this video entertaining is because it wakes you up when you're bored, literally! The other reason I liked this video is because it was funny and creative.

However, this video is absolutely terrible!

Don't cry over spilled milk
This video did not capture my attention in any way, shape, or form at all; If anything, it made me sleepy. Overall, the video looks as if the kids who made did it in a couple of minutes for a passing grade.

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

Good effort! However there are points in the blog that can be cleaned up--like the beginning sentence before the video. Watch your spacing and make sure to hyperlink when possible. Also, you didn't complete one of your first comments/sentences about your favorite video.
Otherwise, I love the enthusiasm!
Keep up the personality!