Sunday, November 28, 2010

Response to "Growing up Digital, Wired for Distraction"

My reactions to the article " Growing up Digital, Wired for Distraction" is that I think that the article is true. The article is true because alot of teenagers are engaged in media usage many hours of the day. I am engaged in media usage alot of the time. This weekend i was very engaged in media usage as I type this I am also on the phone. This weekend i talked on the phone alot, went on facebook, and played Call of Duty Black Ops. I use computers, phone, tv, video games everyday and I know I do this alot and should ease up on my media usage but I do not. I think anout 8 hours of the day i use media which is alot.


Thien Dang said...

work on your grammar....-.-

wilson said...

This is true brandon. When i am playing Black Ops I text and call people. Media is very distracting.

asdfghjkl said...

I agree with Thien, work on your grammar. You did do a good job of connecting to the article though.

Ms.Ventura said...

I am happy that you did this assignment because it allows me to learn more about your media use. It sounds like you are pretty immersed it it. Believe it or not, the average teenager spends at least 8 hours a day. It also sounds like you do a lot of media multi tasking by playing video games, texting, and talking all at once! I wonder how this is affecting your brain and attention development. This is something I look forward to learning more about.

You didn't include a link to the article or pics. Also references to the article specifically would have also been good to include--but I am glad you did it!
Ms. V