Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Media Literacy

New media literacy is an organization which is trying to create set of skills that are necessary for living and interacting with modern technology, such as play, production, and judgment. It can be argued that it is necessary to learn these rules to survive in our world today, one which is plagued with multitasking and a lack of focus. I think that it is important to learn media literacy, but only to a point. In school, we should teach students how to use media, but we should also teach our students how not to use media. Seeing as we are all hypocrites to some regard, we all antagonize media while secretly indulging in it. In fact, we should teach how media can be useful, while also teaching how not to waste away our lives. If I was a teacher, I would not personally teach media literacy, but I would think it was important to do so. Media activities I might set would include programming and other aspects of computer science. I find that I am often distracted by media. I will often stay up late, not only because of the amount of work I have, but also because I have procrastinated. The effect this has on my work is that I perform worse without lots of sleep, but i haven't seen any direct correlation yet with my media procrastination and a shift in grades. The computer can be very helpful when it comes to non-school activities. For instance, I play fiddle and have found many tunes via Youtube. Also, social network sites like facebook allow group correlation for clubs. I definitely think I will use the suggestions in this article, particularly the idea of taking a leap of faith by unplugging. I would love to see what would happen.

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

New media literacy is more than an organization, it is a movement. Otherwise great response. I especially liked your comment that, "in school, we should teach students how to use media, but we should also teach our students how not to use media." I think that is a very insightful statement and observation. I also agree that we are hypocrites to some extent by antagonizing media while secretly indulging in it--as you so nicely stated.
You seem very aware of the dualism that exist. Hopefully, this will inform your own usage and observance of your penchant for procrastination.
Very Good.