Thursday, December 9, 2010


New media literacy is the ability of people to use new technology effectively. This includes being able to keep up with advancements in technology even if the previous advancements have not been perfected. It is important to teach teens why they feel the need t check their phones all the time. Part of solving a problem is understanding why you have it. It may not do anything but maybe some teens will be able to see how disconnecting for even an hour a day will help them reset and be better prepared to deal with real people. Cosmopolitan actually did an article on disconnecting from technology in their January issue. It showed a study on several twenty year olds who were technology free for 24 hours. They said that they became friendlier and had better, more interesting conversations with everyone, even strangers. While maybe 24 hours is to much for a teenager an hour or more a day could be healthy.
Personally I'm not distracted by my phone or technology during classes. My friends can't text during classes and since I know I'll see them later. So unless its super urgent I'll wait to talk to them. Texting is convenient but talking in person is much more fun. When I'm not in school I'm normally with my friends, and I don't need to text people I'm with. I talk to them at night but only after homework or whatever else I have to do. Unless one of my friends is having an emergency there isn't a need to respond right away to "Hey".
I already turn off my phone or leave it somewhere at times. As for the internet, eh, I don't go on Facebook to much because it's boring. I use the internet to check web comics, and shop, not so much connecting with people. I think people should follow some of the tips mentioned in the article "Unplugged, Technology Time-Out". It might help people get along better with other others. Maybe even help deal with cyber bullying. Disconnecting is helpful, but most people probably wouldn't because it would mean the end of the world if they missed what was going on for five seconds.

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

Great response Kip. I would love to see the Cosmopolitan article your reference in your response.
It sounds like you have maintained a pretty healthy relationship with your own media usage.
Compared to other students, you are definitely different in your use of social networking sites like Facebook.
I wonder why you think it is boring, when other students can't get enough of it!

It also sounds like you have set up some rules for yourself and friends regarding texting, which is very important.
Very Good