Friday, May 21, 2010

Mid Term Assesment --May 24, 2010

As part of your mid-term assessment I will be taking these factors into  account for your grade:
-Project Development
-Blog Assessment

The blog assessment will be do on Monday, May 24.
The assignment will be a blog post summarizing a film from Frontline World.
You can pick any film you like (no doubles):

From there you will
1) Watch the film (completely)
2) Summarize the film in a blog.
Some questions"
What is the film about?
What did you learn about the film?
How can what you learn be applied in your life? 
What would a follow-up film be like if you were to make one?
3) You will be doing a presentation on your video and blog so make sure you have a clear understanding of the material.
4) Make sure to include links and pictures.
* Depending on the BEST blog/presentation we will potentially watch that video in class.

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