Writing you today after an amazing adventure in Homer, Alaska. Homer is at the bottom of the Kenai Peninsula. Not only is this area spectacular, but it is also one of the most volcanically active areas in the world. In fact, a volcano across from Homer named Mt. Augustine erupted in 2006. It remains dangerously active. We actually took a helicopter there to document two geologists who are doing studies on the volcano. The helicopter ride was really fun, but it got hairy toward the end because high winds gave us a lot of turbulence.
It was fun to read your posts about collaboration. When I first started in the television, I thought along your lines, Molly, in that I really wanted to figure out how to make my voice heard. But I learned quickly that is a team effort and it is really difficult, if not impossible, to go it alone and make films or TV. Eddie really hit the nail on the head when he wrote that collaboration helps make the job get done fast and easy. But it's definitely a tricky thing, and you really have to work to check your ego and learn how to cooperate. Having cool people to work with helps a lot, of course. That's why I'm glad this guy is around:
Dan Lyons is the director of photography and the main cameraman on this show. He's got tons of experience both as a cameraman and also out in the bush in Alaska. So he can get nice shots of course, but he can also give you advice on the best types of clothing to wear, what kind of food to bring along, and how to prepare for nasty conditions. Dan's done lots of different types of shows, including several documentaries for Discovery, History, Home and Garden, and PBS. So I figured this go round I can put some of your awesome questions to Dan. Do any of you guys want to go into camera work or photography? What is your favorite kind of cinematography? What kinds of things do you think about when you are designing the shots you want in your projects? If you have any questions for Dan, let me know and I'll put them to him and have him answer in the next go round. Otherwise hope everyone is well--and sorry for missing a few days! Things got a little busy, but I'll try to be better.
Hey Joe (: I don't think I really want to work with cameras or photography when I'm older, but i do enjoy taking pictures. It's something fun I like to do in my spare time. I like horror films when all the shots are dark and you don't know what's going to happen next. What I think about when we are making the shots is what kind of show are we making and what effect do I want the audience to feel.
If I had a choice to get into either I'd probably go into both. I've done some pretty boring camera work but its still fun to get nice shots and angles and zooming in and all that. On the other hand though getting a really good photo is always an awesome feeling. I like original off the beaten path cinematography. Movies like Trainspotting and Bottlerocket and a good example I think. Not conventional, but not too artsy. I try to get my work like that, but I need better cameras.
I like working with cameras. Photography is fun and entertaining. When you film you get to shoot different angle styles. Everything about cinematography is exciting.
I can't say that I want to get into camera work or photography even though I really like both, it just doesn't seem the right job for me, I'm more of a person who likes to be the one getting filmed more than doing the filming. My favorite type of cinematography is whatever is working for Hollywood these days, I don't like the home video types, what I like more is the newer action sort of movies, like 300, Babylon A.D, etc, those kinds of movie shots. The kinds of things I think about when designing my shots in projects is what really works well together, even if it's two random things if they work ill try to find a way to put them in together.
Hi Joe. I would like to go into photography because I like taking pictures. My favorite kind of cinematography is when all the shots are bright so that you can see them. I hate in scary movies when everything is dark and you can't see anything. We haven't done any designing in any shots yet so i can't really answer that question.
Hi Joe --
I could see myself getting into cinematography. In reality, though, I haven't really done enough work in that field to really have a true opinion yet.
My favorite kind of cinematography is documentary-style, mainly because of its unique motion and camera angles. That style is also usually paired with a very "real life" sort of program or film (i.e., The Office) that isn't too hard to believe as truth while enabling the viewer to connect with the plot or characters. When used in an ACTUAL documentary, you also get a sense of realism; you really notice that these are a bunch of people who set out into the world solely to give the viewer information.
We haven't really designed shot yet in our class, but I look forward to doing that.
Hey joe !
I'm totally into cameras and its something I probably want to do in the future . I enjoy being behind the camera and getting good shots and messing around with the zoom and also taking pictures.
Hi Joe, glad to hear that everything is going well for you so far. Honestly, I think camera work and photography are very interesting and tons of fun, but I just can' see myself doing that as a profession. If I could choose though, I would get into camera work because I love shooting different scenes. I enjoyed watching Dane Cook's special "Vicious Circle" shown on comedy central, and I noticed that the camera angles were very unique because it captured different angles of him.
Excellent post. It seems you are really getting the hang of this blog thing. No need to post everyday as you are very busy. We just like to be updated on what's going on. It was very interesting to learn about the other people on your shoot, such as Dan Lyons, DP. Yes, I think it is a good idea to shoot some of the questions my students ask to your crew.
I would like to know more about how Alaskans deal with below freezing temperatures on a daily basis.
and i dont really have a favorite type cinematography (:
If I were given a choice, I'd like to take photography more than actual camera work (like holding up a camera and recording). Pictures are always fun to take, and you can take a picture of anything, and make it complex and meaningful. For cinematography these days, I really like how they make war and historical movies are filmed - the angles, the clear pictures, everything. Some examples are Gladiator and Valkyrie, which both on my favorite movies list.
I don't think I want to work with photography when I'm older. I'm just not a very artistic person. However taking pictures is still fun for me. I took a photography class freshman year so I understand the camera a bit, but I found it a little boring. I think dramatic or horror films capture filming the best just because its harder to set the mood for them and I like that type of cinematography the best. I'd like to do more cinematography than photography because your filming moving things.
When I get older I would not want to work with cameras, although i do like taking pictures just not with big expensive ones. I like horror films because I like seeing the different angles. In some horror films people are running and so the camera shakes but most of the time it is dark and thats cool because you can't really see when something is going to pop out at you. When we are taking shots I basically think about the audience and mainly what they would typically want in a shot.
No, I don't think I would to into camera work or photography right now. Maybe when I'm a little older I think thats a good idea. The reason I would want to wait till I'm older is because I think I would get how to work the camera better then I do now. Two kinds of cinematography I like is drama and horror. During a horror film I think the camera gets tilted to a different angle when its dark to make it more scary. Drama I just think the camera stays the same and the music does it all. What I think about when we are making the shots are whats the emotion going to be.
I'm not sure that I'm particularly interested in working with cameras and photography. I am planning on being a rap artist, and I do think that those are extremely useful skills to have going into a career that involves promotion and recognition. One of my favorite movies is the Godfather because of its cinematography. I enjoy scenes that the cinematography really reflects what is happening in the movie. I like films that flow well, and I realize that most of this flow is due to the cinematography in the show or movie. The cinematography adds an artistic touch to movies that can make or break the film.
Flying over that volcano must have been awesome. Seeing a live volcano is pretty exciting. When i went to Costa Rica, we stayed at the hotel right near an active volcano. It was scary, but worth it when we got to see a small eruption!
Tell Dan I say hi, and that I am definitely into camera work and photography. It is the part of this class I like the most. I love amazing nature shots, like the ones in the show Planet Earth. You said he's done a lot of different jobs, which ones have been his favorite?
I'm not really into camera's because their confusing and just annoying with the the angle's and stuff but sometimes they are fun to take pictures and stuff.But some people just don't really like camera's and other stuff.
Hi Joe
I don't really know if I would work with cameras or photography when I am older, but I do enjoy using it. When I am editing and designing, I think about television advertisements and try to make my work like those advertisements. My favorite part in this whole thing is editing!!!
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