So it sounds like almost everybody's least favorite part of making media is writing. This is funny, because I spent all day trying to write and I think writing is my least favorite part right now too! Hopefully I'll get it right tomorrow. Ani had a good point that part of the difficulty with writing for television type media is that you try to take complicated concepts and make them simple and entertaining. It is a really difficult skill that I'm still learning myself. One thing that can help is to start watching TV and movies and really pay attention to how the story works, how the writing works, why you like it or why it flows. That can give you some insights and some ideas that you might be able to take into your own projects. But no, writing is certainly not easy!
Anthony asked how being a producer differs from being a director, which is a really good question. I'm sure often you'll see people titled as both producer and director on movies. The answer is that there is no crystal clear answer. As I said yesterday, the producer tends to deal with business and logistics and the director tends to deal with strictly the filmmaking. In other words, the director is in charge of everything that goes inside the frame. The producer is in charge getting all the lights, cameras, support staff, and everything else it takes to make a project that is outside of the frame. That is really simplified, though, and in practice all of these projects are first and foremost very collaborative. This project, for instance, doesn't even have a named director. Everyone is working together collaboratively to create what happens on screen. I'll always take writing advice from editors. The executive producer will always take story advice from me. While the camera person is the principle photographer, sometimes producers will bring along a small camera to shoot a different angle.
Those were some interesting questions PJ about the producing fervor subsiding. And in truth one of the most difficult things about this job is being away from your family and loved ones for long periods of time. But I'm also with Keith in getting a real enjoyment out of shaping a project and reaching that moment where it all starts to work and you know it is a good, cool show. So that keeps you going. There's of course also the part of this job where you're helping to shed new light on different parts of the world. One hopes this can help lead to greater understanding, appreciation, and tolerance. That can be really rewarding too. Anyway, awesome questions and thoughts once again guys. Now tell me, do you guys like to collaborate? Or do you prefer being the only 'voice' in your projects? Do you find that you like working with other people or do you prefer to do things on your own? I totally forgot to talk about how I became a producer! Will save that for tomorrow, then I'll start profiling some team members up here.
For some reason I prefer to work alone when producing something like a movie or show. Or at least being the top voice. I'm open to ideas and everything, and in other subjects I prefer to work with other people, but artistically I prefer to work alone. Even with writing I prefer to work independently. It can be tough sometimes to get multiple writers on the same page. I've tried to write with friends for shows and movies but it never works because were always thinking of something different. I'd rather have everyone write off on their own, and then mix and match ideas.
I really like to collaborate because when theres more people the better the project or whatever your doing comes out. Plus its fun and you socialize with people you didn't before and then maybe you'll be friends. Collaborating also has its downs though, for example you could get into a fight or disagreement with your partners.
I prefer working with partners because their ideas and suggestions maybe very useful, but I would hate to be with a partner that doesn't contribute at all because it would be the same as working with myself and I don't like that.
Hey Joe-
I usually like to collaborate because sometimes there is a lot of pressure on yourself if you are the only one taking control. I like to work with other people as well because it makes your job easier. You can also come up with better ideas if you work with other people. Do you rather working with other people or on your own? I hope everything is going good in Alaska :]
Collaborating with other people always gets the job done fast and easy. Usually giving people different things to do makes you're assignment even easier to complete. I like working by myself usually because I feel like working alone keeps my organized. I never run into any problems and everything that needs to be worked on will stay on point.
Yes, I prefer to collaborate rather than being the only 'voice' while working on a project. I think it's much easier to get things done that way, and it's also good to get feedback from your peers. To be honest, I never really liked working on any project on my own, it can be really aggravating when I'm stuck on something and don't have anyone to help me out. That's why I like to work with others and socialize in the process as well.
Do you personally like to work with others or work individually?
Hi Joe! --
To answer your question, I prefer either working alone or in a large group for projects. I like working alone because there, I am able to work on my terms, and with ANY of my ideas, having nobody to attempt to work with. Working alone works best for me on long-term projects for that reason. For short term projects, I prefer big groups, of 5+ people. In a big group, you get to hear every person's ideas, and work towards an excellent final project, having the input of every group member. I only don't like working in groups of about 2-4 people, Mainly because in mid-sized groups, your group is small enough to fall apart without the help of one person. Ideas can also be more easily rejected, usually by one person, in mid-sized groups. In short, it really depends on the situation for what sort of group I'd like to work in.
-- Greg
My first thought was that I would only want to work on projects alone so that MY voice could be heard, but I've come to realize out that you can also make yourself be heard while collaborating with others. I must say though when it came down to it I had fun working with the other students in this class & I really enjoyed it. And its true what they say 2 brains is better than 1. (:
I myself prefer to work with others, either with one other person, or a whole bunch of people. That way, everyone can contribute to the project, and give criticism, either good or bad, to help make the project even better. And you will also have a lot more fun working with friends and others, than working by yourself. Though there is a possibility that you may disagree, you still have others to help you out. Do you agree?
- Ani
I prefer to work with others. In a team, other people help out and offer opinions that differ from your own. But sometimes I prefer to work alone such as on a wring piece where I like my voice to come through to the reader. Working with other people offers a lot of advantages that working alone does not. With others you have help and not everything is on you which helps relieve some stress. But on the other hand, tensions can get high if a team reaches a disagreement. Do you enjoy working with others or alone? Also, if you could choose to take on any other role in the making of a TV show, what would it be?
I really like collaborating with others because when you have more views, and opinions it usually helps make projects better in one way or another. Another reason is because I like being around people and working together basically being more social than others working alone. But working in groups has a few flaws. Such as maybe a partner doesn't want to do any of the work, or if somebody is sick, also you may get into arguments over certain aspects of the project. So I prefer working in partners and being around other people and getting their ideas. But if somebody doesn't really want to do the work or if somebody is sick, it won't really end too well for you.
I've always been confused about the difference between director and producer, but I guess there isn't much of one. Both sound like awesome jobs to me. I like to work with people, rather than alone. It's always easier-and faster-to get things done in a group. Also, working alone would get boring-I love company. However, in a group, I usually like to lead, because I'm sort of a perfectionist. As a producer, you probably like to lead as well.
When doing projects I prefer to collaborate because I like working in groups better then by myself. Also I enjoy spending time with my classmates and sharing ideas. I also prefer working with other people then just myself. I like that because putting ideas together could become into something interesting! The thing I dislike when working with a partner is that sometimes you don't agree on everything. It takes time to chose on something you both want. What would you prefer to do?
Thanks for responding, that actually interests me a lot because if I do make films when I'm older, I will make sure I'm both the director and producer of the film. I prefer working alone because it's done the way I want and nobody is giving me their thoughts. This however can be a bad way to be considering sometimes having another person by your side can help give you ideas. Everybody thinks differently. Still, I just like working alone or having the most say in how things are done.
For me, its a hard decision. I guess it depends on the collaborating group. I really like the idea of sharing ideas and thoughts, but it is not always easy. Especially for me, since I hate the thought of 'arguments.' If I am working alone, I don't get interfered, which is a good thing, but the project will only have a narrow thought, with only my ideas being expressed.
So yeah, I would say -it depends...
I don't have a preference in terms of working alone or with a partner. I know for a fact that it is easier working alone because I can follow the direction I want the project to go in. However, I also know that when working with a good partner that can both listen and take advice than the project goes well. Although, having a partner who refuses to co-operate and listen or is lazy can definitley make the project suffer. Trying to collaborate with someone who doesn't want to collaborate isn't worth my time, but if they are down for the long haul than it can be a great experience. I have only one question; Have you ever considered producing a fictional show?
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