Hello, TODAY go onto this site and begin to watch the program :
Please start to answer these questions to the best of your ability:
1. What is your initial reaction to the program? What did you like or dislike about it?
2. At home, how often are you online? At school, how often are you online? What
percentage of the time do you think you spend: Doing homework? Chatting with friends?
Updating your profile? Playing games? Surfing/looking up stuff you’re interested in?
Downloading music? Uploading/downloading videos?
3. In the introduction to the program, the narrator says: "This is Morris County, N.J., but it
could be anywhere in America. Here, like in the rest of the country, some 90 percent of
teenagers are online, a number that’s still growing." From what you saw in the film, is
Morris County indicative of a typical American community? Why or why not? Is it like your
4. One teacher in the program says, "We almost have to be entertainers." If we think of an
entertainer as an actor, musician, dancer or someone who performs, in what ways is your
favorite teacher like an entertainer? In what ways is he or she unlike -- or different from --
an entertainer? What are the positive and negative consequences of expecting teachers
to be entertaining?
5. One student claims he "never reads books" but relies on summaries and annotated
notes he finds on Web sites. He confesses that he feels guilty about this, stating, "I feel
like I kind of cheated it." Should he feel guilty? Why or why not?
6. One teen describes MySpace and Facebook as fun because they are "a section of the
Internet that’s your own." How is a profile -- an online space -- similar to and different
from other parts of the world that are your own, like your bedroom, school locker or diary?
7. The program describes social networking sites as places where kids post pictures,
accumulate friends, post messages to others and describe themselves. What other kinds
of things do teens and young adults do on social networking sites that aren’t mentioned?
I disliked the video because it labeled us teens as bad kids when were clearly not. I had no enjoyment in watching this video.
I really don't like to spend that much time online only when I have nothing else to do. So at home I'm most likely online 40%. And at school i spend 95% online most of the time just chatting it up with friends. Kids also us it for spark notes which everyone uses it. Most kids do use it he should only feel guilty if he truly feels that what he did was wrong. I know so teachers that let us use spark notes.
That community is just like us if not even worst. Were I'm from its such a small town people have nothing to do but go online.
My favorite teacher is also a entertainer because she makes class fun.
Its true what they say about Facebook and Myspace. Its a way to show your self on the web to let people know this is the kind of person you are. I do have a facebook and i love using it. Its a good way to keep in touch with your friends and make new ones.
They mostly mentioned everything I have heard of and seen in the video.
1. I thought the program made it seem like the only thing teens do is go on line which is not true.
2. I go on line in school to work on projects. At home I go on line a lot. 20% of the time is for homework.
3. i think morris County is similar to towns in America. Most teenagers in our community go online daily.
4. My favorite teachers are like entertainers because they keep me interested in the subject they are teaching. They are not like entertainers because they do not always entertain. Sometimes class is boring.
5. I think he should feel guilty because he should read the book and not depend on outside sources.
6. Myspace and Facebook are similar to other parts of your life because its a way of expressing yourself. Its different because its not private like a diary.
7. They mentioned everything I have seen on social networking sites.
1. When i first saw the video, i wasn't surprised at all. There are always younger kids who are on myspace and putting up pictures. I didn't enjoy watching the video because they are pretty much saying that we're doing something wrong. Putting up pictures on the internet if you want to shouldn't be a huge problem, but when you take it to the next level and put gross pictures up thats a different story.
2. I try not to spend a long time online. If i ever do, its to sign in and check my email or something. In school i use it a lot because in most classes, its necessary.I spend 30% doing my homework, and 25% chatting with friends.
3.I think that Morris Community is very similar in some parts because most kids in the town either have a Myspace, or use the internet a lot. Morris Community is very much like other communities in the US.
4. My favorite teacher is an entertainer, because he makes class interesting when were on the worst subjects. Sometimes when you teacher is entertaining you all the time, you start to view them as a friend and don't take them seriously.
5. I think he should feel guilty because at the end he is cheating himself. If the teacher gives him a good grade, it wouldn't be from him, but from a person who actually tried.
6. I don't Myspace, or Facebook should be the same as your real life. You shouldn't base your life on your friends online. Having a online profile should not be different because you shouldn't want to be someone you aren't.
7. The show mentioned pretty much all the things I've done or seen.
1. My initial reaction was that this show was too dramatic and made a big deal out of something that most teenagers don't think about often and aren't concerned with.
2. I spend about 2 to 3 hours online some days and others, I won't even go on. I hardly do homework at home, unless I have a lot. I use AIM every once in a while to chat with my friends if I'm bored. The rest I do when I'm bored and have nothing else better to do.
3. Morris County represents the typical American community because there are a lot of things that people all over America can relate to. It is like Watertown because here almost all the kids have an online site or blog.
4. Teachers have to be entertainers so that kids won't loose interest in the class and log on to a website during the period. My favorite teacher is like an entertainer because he would always amuse us and he would play music in his class.
5. He should feel guilty because he is technically cheating himself from a learning experience and missing out on great thoughts that could be triggered from a certain book.
6. A profile is easier to customize and make it reflect who you truly are or you can make it look as different from you as possible. Also, it is very fast to change the look of it, and you can depict an image of yourself to the people around you in the way that you want them to see you.
7. On these sites, since almost everyone you know has one, teens can also start rumors or pick on other people that they don't like.
1. At first I thought this video was going to talk about how our generation grows up on the computer and the internet and how much we depend on it. But instead of talking about how much we depend on computers it talks about he dangers. For example, there kids 13 and 7 years old open to "predators". What i liked about the video is that relates to our lives and how we use the computer every day and unaware of the potential dangers.
2. I constantly online whenever I am home either surfing the web or listening to music. In an average day I send 30% of my time doing homework and 70% online. I spend about 90% chatting with my friends. When every I use the computer I always play games, google things and go on facebook.
3. This problem could be happen anywhere, because more and more people start relaying and constantly using the computer. Like Morris County, N.J Watertown, MA is similar communities.
4. My idea of a good teacher is someone who can isn’t boring, and can incorporate jokes or games into their lesson. My favorite teacher of all time has to be Mr. Kearney, in his class he made jokes and made learning history enjoyable, unlike the tedious teachers I had before him. Expecting a teacher to be entertaining can be somewhat negative, because if the teacher doesn’t like to your expectations your going to start of the year thinking that the class sucks, and you even give it a chance.
5. He shouldn’t feel guilty. I don’t because it isn’t cheating when you have read the material and using web sites like sparknotes to further help you understand the material. They are put online to help students if either they don’t understand the topic or just need to review before a test.
6. Having a myspace or facebook profile is like having one whole internet page just with information about you. Unlike your room, your internet page can be seen by millions of people. When you have a profile you can alter almost anything, if you didn’t like the background, you could change your name, or even put false information.
7. In social networking systems people post pictures, add friends, communicate, and meet new people with the same interest as you, We also post up videos, either as a message or just videos of people goofing around.
Dan Sher
1. As a teenager i think this doesn't neccesarily relate to every teenager and therefore i don't really like it too much.
2. since the majority of my friends live out of town i tend to either be out a lot or online a lot. when i am online i am usually chatting with friends if not i am not online, i am playing guitar.
3.Morris county N.J. seems like it's own little town not neccesarily like any other town but probably has similarities to other towns.
4. they usually have to try to keep us entertained by giving us movies that in my mind is the equivalent to chatham high schools "smart board".
5. he should not be getting "sparknotes" because he is cheating himself from a real experience to read.
6. frankly i think that anything but the internet is your own because we are all subconciously conforming to the national teen standard.
7. a lot of stuff is not mentioned but kids chat and post sexual photos of themselves
1. I thought it was okay but it focused too much on the extremes and the negative much more than the everyday and the common.
2. I am on the computer kind of a lot but the standards of today are different so its become the norm. I think the main misconception is that online chatting replacing hanging out with friends, thats not true, it what you do when you cant hang out with friends and its the next best thing.
3. For the most part its the same, but in reality there is noway to accurately compare one group of people from another effectively.
4. Teachers don't have to be entertainers, they just have to be more open minded and accepting of modern culture, and if they choose, they can use it to their advantage.
5. He should feel a little guilty, but the ideal approach would be to read the book and the spark notes, to have the details and the basic facts.
6. Its a way of showing others who you are and portraying your self as you want to be seen, not as someone else tells you to. You can get rid of all formalities and pretense and show your true identity or you can start to figure out what your identity really is.
7. The program doesn't say much about the normal conversation you can have with friends you actually know and the communication it can provide in everyday life.
Erik Salvucci
As I am not one of "those kids" I was able to enjoy the program. It was interesting to see how some people out there live there lives on the web, it is also sad to see that many people see our generation as computer addicted children.
I don't have much homework so I don't spend much time on it, 100% home work grade... But I probably spend atleast 1 hour a day online. I usually look up music or videos, I have never liked chatting online or through texting too much.
The community can not stand as an exemplar of other communities in America, though we can relate, there are many other places in America (that I have been too) where the computer use is nor THAT prevelant.
I expect teachers to teach and have a good attitude about it, I don't expect a teacher to have to entertain me.
Books are better than anything you can find online because half the time stories have to be interpreted the way you feel it was meant to be.
I don't "social network" much, I might poke my head on facebook from time to time but other than that I would rather be social in reality.
1. I liked the program a lot. It tought people who different advertisements and music influence people.
2. At home I mostly write and do homework more now then using to computer. When I was younger I use to use instant message, myspace, and facebook. I still use myspace and facebook but not that much. I rarely download music also. I don't use limwire anymore because it messes with you're computer and the only videos I watch are youtube videos.
3. My generation is like that because every year new kids come into high school they find new friends go on the internet and everyone develops an intrapersonal effect on themselves with using text messaging and aim.
4. Teachers to me can be entertainers but they are in school to teach students different subjects. For the most part I wouldn't categorize teachers as entertainers.
5. The student shouldn't feel quilty. He should take effort into reading more books and not using online reviews to help yourself finish a book in time for a project.
6. I don't have a diary but I have several notebooks of rhymes written because I record and perform my freestyles and verses to make tracks for mixtapes and other projects for people to hear.
7. The only popular social networking kids usually create are facebook and myspace.
1. My reaction to this video is that it is a good wake-up call of how my generation really does rely on the internet. I personally liked the video all together, but there were some parts were I disagreed with what they were saying.
2. I get home...and I go online, to be honest on the weeknights my schedual is
go online right when I get home
do homework/chores
watch tv
take a shower
and go to bed
I spend alot of time online between just IMing my friends, doing homework, or doing work during school.
3.Alot of kids in Watertown go online alot, so yeah I think that morris county is similar.
4. I think since we are so a-custom to being entertained with the internet, tv, and etc. to grab our attention and get students to really listen you really do have to be a "entertainer". Some of my teachers can be really boring at times but then do something crazy that you wouldn't expect do shock you and keep you listening.
5. I personally think that he should feel guilty, if he has enough time to be online "all day" as he says then he should be able to find the time to sit down and read a chapter of a book each night. It doesn't take up that much of your time.
6. I feel like I am the same person in the real world as I am on my page. But I understand where people are coming from, some people are outcasts and find themselves meeting people that have the same interests and personalities as them. To know that someone out there cares at least enough to watch your YouTube video or etc.
7. I honestly can't think of something that wasn't mentioned on this video that people do on their page.
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