Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Reflections so far.

I have mixed feelings from the first few weeks of class. While it is just my opinion, I feel like this class is off to a slow start. Don't get me wrong, I think it is a good class and I understand that not everyone is at the same level of computer efficiency. It is just my 2 cents on the matter. Right about now is when I fear that I am coming off as an elitist snob but I am merely giving my opinion on the matter.

I enjoy learning about educations around the world and while learning Final Cut for a second time is tedious, I do need a refresher in that area. I feel far more comfortable with Sony Vegas and I would prefer to edit my movie in the Vegas program (I have included an embedded video of Sony Vegas at the end of this post). If I could experience something more I would have to say that there isn't anything I'd change at the moment. We haven't even completed our first project in this class yet so it is hard to make any judgement calls as far as that goes. Perhaps we spent a little to much time watching the education video but I feel that I learned a fair amount from that video. 

As I stated earlier, I feel like this class is off to a slow start but I believe it will pick up steam shortly and I have high hopes. As for the video, it is quite old and quite long (I believe it's about 44 minutes long). It is also the video I first used to learn how to edit and I feel that while we're not using Vegas, many of the concepts are the same. 

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