Based on the PBS Frontline Documentary "Inside the Teenage Brain," please create a blog response and reflection based on your thoughts and feelings. Create a blog, but for sake of confidentiality DO NOT POST. Based on your responses, I will compile a random anonymous summary that I will share with the class.
Do you abide by your parents rules? Do you agree with them?
How much sleep do you get a night? On average?
How did this documentary help you understand your own behavior---for instance, what did you learn about the production of the frontal cortex?
Are you surprised that the teenage brain is changing (gray matter that grows connections)?
Do you have mental highs and lows? What do those look like (EXAMPLE)?
Do you engage in risky behavior?
Are you aware of your own mood swings? Are you aware that this is a natural part of teenage-hood?
Do you think adults have negative perceptions of you (as a teen)?
Do you abide by your parents rules? Do you agree with them?
How much sleep do you get a night? On average?
How did this documentary help you understand your own behavior---for instance, what did you learn about the production of the frontal cortex?
Are you surprised that the teenage brain is changing (gray matter that grows connections)?
Do you have mental highs and lows? What do those look like (EXAMPLE)?
Do you engage in risky behavior?
Are you aware of your own mood swings? Are you aware that this is a natural part of teenage-hood?
Do you think adults have negative perceptions of you (as a teen)?