Monday, April 25, 2011

Tangled in an Endless Web of Distrations

Please read this article seen in :

Tangled in an endless web of distractions

Colleges worry about always-plugged-in students

Globe Staff / April 24, 2011

Do you think colleges should unplug? Why or why not?
Do you think the internet is a distraction when you are doing your work?
How do you manage balancing the two?


Anthony Tresca said...

I do not think that colleges should completely unplug. The reason for this is because students could need the internet at times to do research for certain assignments. However, I think that professors should have the option to turn the internet off in their own classrooms, to keep students focused. I do think the internet is a distraction while I am doing my work, because I always end up on Facebook, or Youtube, and I end up waiting another hour or two to even start my work. I have a hard time balancing the two, but the way that works for me is listening to music while I do my work. This helps me to keep from getting distracted, because I am still doing something, but I am able to continue to do my work.

Shelby Gilbeau said...

I don't believe colleges should "unplug" anything, the students themselves chose wether or not they want to pay attention, they should be the ones at fault if they don't do their work or finish their own responsibilities. Some students shouldn't be able to ruin this privilege for others.

The internet was never a distraction for me while doing my work because important things come first, and school work is much more important than internet.

I'm able to manage them both because I do my work first before I let anything distract me.

Ahmad Taha said...

After Reading the article ''Tangled in a web of endless distractions, it is clear to me that internet is clearly a distraction every where you go, however, I still don't think colleges should ban it. I think self control with internet access should be up to the student, not up to the professor, especially in college because when students don't distract each other but only themselves, they make that decision themselves, the decision of being distracted and possibly losing studying time and missing some notes, but that is at THEIR own cost, no one else. That is why if students at that age really feel like they are distracted, they can take it amongst themselves to fix that problem, by downloading some of the apps that help them keep control if they truly feel they have a problem, because they are at an age where they can make the decision themselves, and balance out the 2 themselves and no one else should do that for them, including colleges.

Arielle Ahladianakis said...

I do think collages should unplug because in the past 10 years this generation is very dependent on handheld and wireless technology, if a collage class room were to unplug I think it would allow students to focus on class and not on Face book.

No I don't think internet is a distraction to me when I do my home work, I manage by not turning my laptop on or just don't go on distracting web sites when I have to type a paper.

mohammad rahim said...

No i do not believe colleges should unplug because students should have the freedom to do as they wish at their own risk. If anything i think professors should have the choice to unplug in their classes or lectures if they see that students are too distracted and are not paying attention to one another. The internet is indeed a distraction to me, because I always end up having at least one other tab open that will distract me. I manage to balance both by completely avoiding the internet if I have a lot of work to do.

Brian said...

I don't believe that colleges should unplug or even block any websites. this is because college students are expected to be mature enough to balance theire time between work and fun. also the internet is the most useful and imporntant resource available to society and should be allowed to be used by all. for me personally, the internet is a major distraction when doing work, mainly facebook and youtube. however there are a few things that help keep me from getting distracted, mainly when i listen to my ipod. the music cancels out all the distracting noise and helps keep me focused

Chris Fabrizio said...

I don't think that colleges should take away technology from students. I don't think you can really do that because students are always going to have their phones or ipods with them so they'll be distracted anyway. Also, they have already spent a lot of money on technology and there is stuff on the internet that can only be learned by going online so taking it away isn't the best idea. I sometimes find the internet to be distracting. If I'm typing a paper for class I usually end up opening another tab and going on youtube or some other site. To balance it I start doing my homework and then I take breaks in between to go online.

michael tagessian said...

I think that collages should unplug from all the classes that don't need to be on the internet constantly. The reason why is because that students get off task very easily if they want to to they think that they can get back on task but for all the students that get off the task easily, this means that it will be hard to get back on task because it mean that they have to keep themselves preoccupied with the work they are given so they don't fall off course. I also think that some classes should plugged in if they are needed to be on web sites that have to deal with the type of work that the teacher is talking about at hand.