Monday, January 10, 2011

Ken Burns

Ken Burns is an American documentary film maker. He has made many documentary films and television shows. His most famous television series was called The Civil War and was the highest rated series in the history of American Public Television and on its premier in 1990 it had over 40 million viewers. Over his thirty plus years as a documentary film maker Ken Burns has been named one of the most influential documentary film makers of all time. The Civil War is second only to Robert Flaherty's Nanook of the North. Not only is he influential when it comes to documentary films, he has influenced many others such as Stephen Speielburg and George Lucas.
Over the years he has had 12 Emmy Awards and two Oscar nominations.
Right now Ken Burns is working on six-hour history of Prohibition, Which should show on PBS this year. Films on the Dust Bowl, the Roosevelts, the Vietnam War and the Central Park Jogger case are also in the making or at least being thought about.
Ken Burns is known for photographing live-action scenes such as a battlefield at times of low light, sunrise and sunset. He was born in 1953 in Brooklyn, New York and attended Hampshire College.
Tribute Video
Site used:PBS

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