Friday, March 18, 2011

Exit Through the Gift Shop

The documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop is about the world of street art, featuring stars such as the anonymous Banksy, Shepard Fairy, who created Obey the Giant, and Mr. Brainwash. The movie starts out with Mr. Brainwash, whos actual name is Thierry Guetta, as a filmmaker, filming the many street artists in Los Angeles, and around the world. Eventually, Guetta meets Banksy, a legend in street art. Eventually, Guetta gets into street art himself, and calls himself Mr. Brainwash. Mr. Brainwash eventually started to become very full of himself, and decided to create an art show. Thierry worried too much about hyping the show up instead of putting the art itself up. However, the show ended up being extremely successful, over 30,000 people came. Thierry sells a million dollars worth of his art, to the surprise of Banksy and Shepard Fairy. Overall, I enjoyed watching this movie, it is one of the better documentaries that I have seen.

Info on Exit Through the Gift Shop

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