Monday, April 12, 2010

growing up online

In my intro to media class,we went to this website that had a video talking about growing up online at

I relate to this video because the internet has a big impact on my life and I can spent hours without realising it, this is a big disadvantage for me though because I lost parts in the day that I could be more productive.For me I was introduced to the internet, when I was nine years old,I thought it was the best thing that man created and began to explore I was hooked from then.There is a teacher in this program called Steve Maher who says if you didnt have the internet "it would be like walking into a desert" on many levels I agree with him, the internet has a great part to play in my education because most lessons are either inspired by or copied from the net, some topics which are here are here because of someone researched at thought hey, this should be added to the syllabus and it was.

One of the people that I can relate to from this is Sara, she talks about her up and down issues with weight I know how she feels because I have had problems with my weight too, but not as seriously because she went to a website that actually tells you how to remain or becaome thin, I personally found that annoying because the media has already done so much to destroy the self esteem's of girls by producing 'role models' that are to anorexic, and harder to copy forcing little girls to starve themselves, just so they can look like them.

Rosa Porpora has been teaching for 3 decades, she's a teacher of english featured in this as well, she commented that its very hard for kids to concentrate nowadays because they are too used to the fastestness of the internet, I disagree hownever, I have been using the internet ten plus years and my concentration has not gone down, I think that it has improved actually.Evan Skinner is also from this documentary, I found very obsessive with her fear of the internet, she went as far as to ask for the passwords to her kids facebook accounts, that is equvalent to reading a diary it was too personnal ansd I do not blame her kids for saying no,I would not give my parents the passwords either and to me, she did not respect her kids by asking for it, I think they can make their own decisions as to who they want to view their accounts.

It was a good learning experience to see how other kids have lived online and I learned alot of lessons on the dangers of the internet.

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