Tuesday, April 6, 2010

smoking and what it does to you.

In my intro to media class,we were told to look at the a few videos on the effects/ prevention of smoking which were created by teenagers from other schools as well as our own school from http://www.the84.com/. The video that i picked as my best is this one.

The Broken Dream - Boston Trinity Academy from The 84 on Vimeo.'>

The Broken Dream - Boston Trinity Academy from The 84 on Vimeo.

I like this one because it shows the effect that smoking causes on this young man who after searching for the reason why his life has become the way it it is, realises that its the cigaratte in his hand. Its not too late even for him but he realises how much time he has lost because of that cigaratte.

It is a hard lesson for him,but I like it because the video warns others to be wary of smoking, and see what can happen when you do in a simple to the point way.

The next video link is another one I like as well,its a rough around the edges but the message is clear enough to understand.http://vimeo.com/10236924 This video uses domino pieces to show how one pack of cigarattes can increase to the point of were it becomes addictive and stopping seems impossible.It tries to prevent the habit from getting worse by telling the audience to stop before its too late.

The last one is my least favorite video.It is very short but unlike the previous ones, its confusing the message got lost along the way, the use of the phrase "don't cry over spilled milk" was a good idea, but it was not put in a way that made sense to me.http://vimeo.com/10237001
The overall lesson is that smoking is bad for your body, it causes lung cancer and bronchitis

and other forms of heart disease, the best option if you haven't started yet is don't, the risks caused are too high and can lead to death.

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