Friday, September 25, 2009

Children See; Children Do.

What is your first reaction to this video?
In what circumstances in your life has this been true?


Ben Sampson said...

I liked this video very much. It had some funny parts like when the kid is flipping off the other lady in the car like his mother. This does happen all the time because if children are in a certain environment where parents are doing something bad they don't know that its bad so they do it to. For example if a parent is racist the child will grow up and become racist.

Eric Dupuis said...

This video is true, i believe that kids do follow he influence and actions that their parents have and it is up to the parents to teach them the right thing to do by doing the right thing themselves. In my life time i have seen many kids that reflect the beliefs and actions of their parents and think the I also have followed in my parents example. It is important that a good example is set so kids act responsibly when they are growing up.

Ryan McDermott said...
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SaDaryl Parham said...

My first real reaction is "Ha Ha Ha this is hilarious!!!" especially when the little kid in the back seat flipped off the other car. But when I looked a little deeper I noticed that it was true, when children see their parents doing bad things they usually grow up and do the same things because thats what they are used to seeing and doing.

Tridib Saha said...

The children are doing bad times and what their family is doing is what their doing. Maybe that is why the video is called children see, children do.

Ryan McDermott said...

I am Speechless, I am without speech. This video is very sad but also very true. Grownups in this world do things without thinking about children seeing them do it. When children see something done, They do what was done. Adults need to be more aware of who's around them and do thing that would have a positive influence on kids.

Always and Forever,
Ryan McDermott

Administrator said...

The video is honest. As much as we like to blame people for being bad, the reality is that circumstances in their life, including the way their parents are, change the kids. When a child is growing up, he looks up to his parents and later on often shares the same ideas that they do. I knew a family where the mother used to smoke and drink and later on learned that her daughters started smoking when they were 8 and 9.

Emily Morad said...
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Julia Patsios said...

This video showed a strong reality on how people influence each other. I think that a lot of what adults do does influence children in bad ways but they don't realize the affect it has on them. One of the most common things I have seen was the scene with the mom yelling and swearing out the car window. Swearing has to be one of the biggest affects on the younger kids because it teaches them bad behaviors that young kids shouldn't have. Swearing can be easily controlled yet adults don't choose to replace the bad language with appropriate words.

Emily Morad said...

This video was really intense. It shows just how impressionable children are and how everything you do influences them. This powerful portrayal of how much kids learn from their parents, or someone older, was extremely eye opening. In fact, it made me think of how I should be setting an example for my little brother. If he were to see me drink or smoke, and it made an impression on him, like where it caused him to smoke, I would never forgive myself.

Daniel White said...

My first reaction to the video is that it was really creepy and that it is obviously trying to impress upon adults how much influence they have on their kids. It's trying to tell parents to be responsible so that their kids learn the right things. This is true in my life in that my mother hates people who litter and recycles all the time and so I never litter and always try to recycle.

Matt Tardiff said...

My impression on this movie is that it is totally true. Even though the degree of frequency might be different for all of us, EVERYONE has done something they've seen their parents do; some often times, some infrequently. Children learn from experience -- thus, the more negatively influenced experiences we encounter, the more likely we are to repeat these actions.

Santiago Deossa said...

I think this video made a lot of sense if a chid grows up in a violent,racist,disrespectful etc. environment and he sees a parent or any role modle like a brother or relative the child will most likely end up with some bad qualities. But this is not all ways true some times the child grows up and tries his best not t copy the mistakes of a parent when growing up.

Melissa Butler said...

This video basically shows kids following what their parents, or older adult, do. This video i think is very true and very important.
If a kid saw his parents playing with something , most likely they're going to do the same thing but instead of doing something innocent, some parents do things that are unresponsible. Such as drugs, alcohol ,anger problems , bad behavior etc. Overall this video is trying to show adults to watch what they do cause they're people younger then them who look up to them and want to be just like them.

Camila Carvalho said...

This video is most definitly something to think about. The title pretty much says it all. Especially with their parents. Children start their habits at an early age, and those habits carry on into adulthood. If the person that the child looks up to is doing something good, chances are the child will grow up being good. But, on the other hand, if the person the child looks up to, is pretty much ignorant and rude, they most likely will grow up to be ignorant and rude.
The two parts that struct me the most about this video is the one where the mother comes to yell at the baby who's crying and the little girls yells at the baby, too. With babies, you should be delicate, and not yell at them because it will affect them later on in life. The other part was when the father was in the kitchen getting ready to hit his wife, and his little son was going to hit his mother, too. A kid hitting their parents, especially their mother, should never happen.
Some things that I got out of habit since I was little from my parents were, putting on the seat belt as soon as I get in the car, and putting the rice first on the plate.
But I really liked this video. It has a good meaning to it.

Olivia Murphy said...

I thought that it was sad and about how true it is that parents have such a big impact on how their children act because they don't know any better. Since the children look up to their parents the most they want to be like them and learn about how they should act since they are around their parents so much they pick up on little things that they do. I think that it is true in my life because I have habits or traits or beliefs that I get from my parents like how I think that everyone is equal because thats how my parents raised me to believe.

Laura Alice said...

This video is absolutely true. If parents act in this manner, then it will effect their kids monumentally and can continue for generations. This video can happen in real life, and its very horrifying to me personally. Besides that though, this video can explain itself.