Thursday, September 17, 2009

Passing a test with a 44%

A New York Times article explains that a New York State Math Test passed students achieving scores as low as 44%. The standard have been raised, and the scores reflect them; "the percentage of points required to pass the math tests — or “meet learning standards” — has declined over the past three years." New York has annually been trying to modify these tests, but it is clear that they have more work to do if students are being allowed to pass STATE test scores with a 44%. That's like getting a "Needs Improvement" on the MCAS but still being given credit for passing, or a 350 on the Math Section of the SAT! No student should be proud to pass with a 44 on a test.

1 comment:

Joe Piccirilli said...

This a a good article and blog post however you might want to include some statistics of average SAT scores.

A graph wouldn't hurt either.