Thursday, December 9, 2010

Is it time to unplug ourselves from the media world? Or should we start teaching our students about media literacy. Media Literacy is a repertoire of competences that enables people to analyze, evaluate and create messages in a wide variety of media forms. It often times will encourage people to ask questions about what they watch or hear. It's important to teach students this because learning how to interact with technology is becoming a huge issue today. Our teens are depending to much on technology which is becoming addictive to them. By setting up classes in school we are studying how to interact with new media, and it will give a better understanding to us and the teens of today's world. Seeing how teen's react to this study will show us how new media is effecting the way teen's learn with new technology. When school starts for me (which ends up being at 7:30) I don't find my self distracted by my own devices, but I can relate to the "rabbit hole" that we find our selves in when logging into to Facebook. Sometimes when I find myself sitting at home bored logging into Facebook and takes up most of my time. Or just chatting with someone though text can be fun, and before you know it your day has gone by and you haven't even left your house once. How sad! Some of the suggestions mention by the article Unplugged should be used. I already try to go out as much a possible and keep my phone off because, "it feels so good" to feel care free for once and just enjoy the time your having with the real world.

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

Nice response. It was very fluid and thoughtful. However, next time include a link to where you retrieved the definition. It sounds like you are taking wonderful actions to sublimate your own media usage/addition.
I think we all can relate to the "rabbit hole" that is Facebook!
Very Good