Thursday, December 9, 2010


Unplugged Article

The new media literacy is a repertoire of competences that allows people to understand and analyze media like phones, computers and ipods. I think the school should teach new media in school, because it's very important moving forward in ours life and the technology is not going to stop growing. Technology doesn't distract me too much in class, but when my friends text me I have to text back or else i'll feel bad not responding them. My learning is not being impact by technology distraction so far, my grades are still good. Some of my friends technology distraction has effect them in so many ways, because their social skills have gone down and their grades are awful because they don't pay attention in class and they prefer texting over homework.  The media has not effect my non-school activities at all because I still do sports and hang out with my friends and family. Well since the media has not effect me a lot, then I'm probably not going to use many strategies that Unplug mention, but I'm definitely going to shut my phone more often and stop checking my Facebook from my phone to see if my life changes or not. 

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

You have some grammatical issues that I will go over with you, but otherwise, you have some thoughtful reflections on insight into your media usage.