Thursday, December 9, 2010

''Unplugged technology time-out'' questions.

I think that new media literacy is the how we as people, are using the new media, including new technologies we are getting. I feel this is because many people now a days are very connected to there media such as texting, emails, and facebook. But although many people are getting caught up with it and its the source of alot of distractions, I don't think this is worth being taught in schools, because for one, I don't think its important to enough. Personally, as a student, I do agree it causes alot of of distraction from school work, mainly in homework, but despite the fact that that frequently happens to me, I know that in the end of the day, I always end up getting my task accomplished, even if media slows me down a little it. I also think teaching it in school would be useless because nobody would listen, they taught us not to do drugs in school, but still many students do it anyway, so I don't think its very likely that anyone would just ''unplug'' and coo it with the media use, even if they taught us. Although I get distracted at home while doing homework with media use and devices, in school it never happens, mainly because not many people use there devices and media in the classroom, especially Facebook and texting because its too easy to get caught, and so no, personally, and I think also for many people our devices are not in distraction in the classroom, and does not impact our learning in a bad way.
When I'm off school, I don't see media use as a bad thing at all, mainly because school is the most important thing I'm focused on and the most important thing that I try not to get distracted in, but when I'm not in school, its not like theirs anything important that media use could distracted me from, which is why I don't see it as a bad thing, and when their are important things in my way, I will either multi ask by using the media and accomplishing that task, or if the task is important enough, just focus directly on the task. I think for many people, using the suggestions in the article unplug could be useful if they tried them, but I don't think I'm as attached to my devices and media use as much as other people are because either way i still accomplish what I need to do, and media use doesn't get in my way too often and doesn't bother me.

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