Thursday, December 9, 2010


New media literacy is essentially the skills that people need to use the new technology being introduced to them. It is important to teach these new skills in schools because we are living in a technology-driven world, and these skills will be necessary to function later in life, as well as now. If I were a teacher, I would embrace the idea of media use and learning about technology. Some activities that could be set up would be things like using computers to type or make presentations, as well as using the internet and other softwares typically found on computers.

As for myself, I use media and technology a lot during my everyday life, and I usually find myself using my phone during class or checking Facebook when my class is in the computer lab. These media devices can be distracting and I often find myself lost in a class discussion or not knowing what the assignment is. When I am not in school, I use media devices even more, and they are a constant presence in my home. I am never without my phone, and check Facebook multiple times during the day.

I may start using some of the suggestions featured in the Unplugged article, although some of them do not directly reply to me as I am a student and not using e-mail and other media for my job. Turning off technology like the phone or computer can be useful, as I have tried to before. I got what I needed to do done quicker and more efficiently, and it seemed kind of peaceful for short period of time.


1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

Nice response. It was very thoughtful and reflective. I hope you actually incorporate some of the suggestions in the Unplugged article. Tell me how it goes!
Very Good.