I think the article had many interesting views on modern media use. It related what applications students used to their personality, as well as touching on whether or not they were "addicted" to technology. While I do not relate directly to any one person mentioned in the article, I do relate to some of what the article had to say. My media use consists mainly of Facebook, Youtube, and texting. I usually watch Youtube while having Facebook on in the background, watching random videos while having conversations. I text often in school. Sometimes my homework is overridden by media, like when I go online to see what i need to do for English, but somehow type Youtube.com into the URL. Much like some of the kids in the article. Like the kids in the article, I would procrastinate with or without a computer, the computer only amplifies it.
nice job Greg you explained very well what you do with your media use and good job explaining the story
You did well on your blog.
I like the relation you had with the article but use more detail next time but so far you did a good job.
Nice job Greg, you did a great job reflecting on he article from your own point of view.
I like how you said the things you use your media for, and how you often do those things all at the same time. It connects to the article's idea of "distraction."
Very Good
Nice job Greg. Short, sweet and to the point.
You make a very good and intelligent point regarding distraction/procrastination:
"I would procrastinate with or without a computer, the computer only amplifies it.''
It is great to be aware of this fact. It is interesting to note that when you go online to check for English homework, you also find yourself typing in Youtube. My follow up question for you is, what makes Youtube so addictive?
Nice work.
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