Sunday, November 28, 2010

Turkey Day Mirror Response

The article Growing Up Digital, Wired for Distraction, was interesting to read mostly because it is in most ways true. I found myself relating many of the situations to my own life. Even as I was reading the article and watching the video I was checking back into Facebook to talk to my friends there, as well as texting multiple people. Media has certainly incorporated itself into the lives of most Americans, especially teenagers. The part I found most interesting was when the topic of technology in schools was discussed. As a student, I agree with schools incorporating technology into their teaching methods and classes. Using computers in school gets teens more involved with what they are doing because they are in their own area of specialty. Students use technology as a part of their daily lives, so it only makes sense that they would learn more easily if they could use it towards schoolwork.

As for myself, media is heavily incorporated into my daily life. I am constantly texting a friend or checking Facebook through both my computer and my phone. Watertown is a small town with a limited number of people to talk to, but technology makes it possible to interact with people from other towns just as easily as it would be to talk to someone in the same room as you. But, as much of an advantage as that is, it can also be a disadvantage because news travels very quickly, and it is as if there is no distinction from your personal life and your public life, online or not.

Admittedly, homework does seem to suffer as a result of teens increase in media usage. Teens choose to spend their time at home on their computer or phone instead of doing their schoolwork. This is true for me, as I am usually up late doing homework that I decided to put off in favor of Facebook and texting, and even then I continue to use these technologies as I am doing my homework. Although my grades have not suffered noticeably, and I am still on the High Honor Roll, the amount of sleep I get certainly has. Some nights I get under five hours, and find it hard to concentrate or even stay awake in my classes.

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...


Nice work Lea. You have successfully accomplished all the required goals of the assignment. You have provided wonderful insight into your own media use and linked it back to the NY Times article.

It's amazing how distracting Facebook can be, especially when you are trying to do your homework. It's like a vortex. Apparently there are little "hits" that are somewhat addictive every time we go on.

We will touch more on the public vs. private issues in the coming weeks.
It's great that you are starting to really look at your own habits.
Great work!
Ms. V