Sunday, November 28, 2010

What does it really mean to Grow up in a digital world? In today's society we see children as young as the age of 6 using technology. Durning my age as a child I did not have a cellphone until 16 nor a facebook until I hit high school. Seeing these teens and let alone kids abuse the digital world not only for school but personal fixation is shocking. Not only are kids loving the new world of media but could they be abusing it too? From the stories I heard where kids are getting caught in media whether it be facebook, texting, and the ever classic video games, these children let their school work fly on by and all there is at the end of the day is work piling up. What these teens need to do is find that balance from media and school work. I think that the mixture of new media technology and school would be the best way to get across to teens. Don't get me wrong I do find enjoyment from facebook and, I do love getting a text but I don't let it get the better me or my time. My use of media is under control and finding that control is hard. I can relate to kids that try to write an essay and you open up facebook and before you know it, its 12 am and your essay is still unwritten. In my own high school I see that too much freedom among teens effects their grades. So what needs to be done is that we have to find that moderation between the educational system and the digital world which is always on the rise.

1 comment:

Ms.Ventura said...

You are a great late addition to the class Madson and you have very insightful opinions.
You have some grammar issues and you did not include a link or picture (we can go over that).
But, welcome to the wonderful world of blogging! Facebook is quite an easy distraction. Now, we can understand why schools ban it!
Ms. V