I use technology and media often but I’m still doing well in school. I found a way to text my friends, play video games and play soccer without failing any classes. I do not text during school hours except if it's a emergency, and when I’m doing my homework I turn off my cell phone and TV do get my homework done faster so I have time to play video games and text my friends. I hope I can keep this up throughout my whole school years, because I know I need both school and technology do become successful in life. I need media for many of my homework so I always need my laptop to do my homework, but most of the time I just focus on finishing my homework than checking my facebook account.
I think everyone needs technology, but also good school grades and if you are able to find a balance between those two things then you can become very successful in life.
Wilson you did a brilliant job on this article because you told the bullet point of nice use of media. You told how Media can help others, by giving the example of LRA. I really liked your response because of the examples you showed to use the media in good ways.
Wilson you did a brilliant job on this article because you told the bullet point of nice use of media. You told how Media can help others, by giving the example of LRA. I really liked your response because of the examples you showed to use the media in good ways.
Woahhh Thien thats called coping.
Nice effort Wilson, but you didn't refer to specific examples in the article and didn't post the link.
You have a a few grammar issues that we will go over.
However, you did a nice job talking about the pros and cons of media as well as the "rules" around your own media use. It sounds like you have instituted a nice balance.
I disagree with your first statement regarding the world without technology. Humans have always had some sort of technology, which has allowed us to move "forward" like the wheel, plows, pens, etc. But, digital technology is only within the last century. Some would argue that it has done more to hurt mankind than elevate it.
Ms. V
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