I found the article to be very true and I agree that most teens are distracted by technology such as texting , video games, and the internet. I also liked how it referred to some peoples as addicted to technology. The artice also relates to me in a way. I mainly play video games and use the internet for stuff such as youtube. I also text but I don't usually have long conversations Such as the girl in the article who sends a lot of texts a day. However it gets in the way of getting my homework done. When I go online to look up my homework I usually get distracted and and end up on youtube. So, in a way I am like the kids in the article but I still get my work done.
Good, you forgot the link, go into more detail about the article too.
I liked the way how you said you are related to the kids and you stayed true so you did a nice though man.
It's good you can admit that you do get distracted. You could talk about the article itself a bit more, but otherwise, excellent job.
Yeah, you need the link, but other than that it's good. I also think you need maybe one more sentence about the article, just to be sure you covered everything. I like how you didn't make it annoyingly long.
As the students mentioned, you forgot to include the link, also specific references to the article would have been helpful in constructing your argument.
Distraction is definitely a problem in this new digital domain and finding a balance between work and play is harder than ever. It will be a life-long journey.
Ms. V
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